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Old 06-08-2003, 08:57 AM   #1
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Angry Some creationist fanboy...

Just want to get off my chest. There's this most fucking dopeass evolution vs creationism shit I've read at a GAMEFAQS message board. This kid here uses red herring and a bunch of whole lotta other fallacies to claim he's an *intelligent* creationist. I can't describe much, but here's the topic;

and part of transcript;

(italics: non-xtian posters)Question on Evolution- hasn't modern society destroyed any possible hope at natural selection? I mean, how can the people with the best traits survive if we try and try to make everyone live? How is mankind going to evolve if no one ever dies before they can pass on their genes? We won't be naturally selective... Am I right in thinking this, or is there some huge gaping hole in my logic somewhere?

Creationist Fanboy: (bold)No, your logic is consistent with that of Hitler's, and I am scared out of my pants that there are still a lot of evolution people that believe this.

You're going to this guy for what evolution is? Eugenics and "social darwinism" are long discredited concepts that carry zero currency in the scientific community. Anyone can take an idea, ignore how it operates, and erect a twisted doctrine around it. It's funny you should mention Hitler, since he did just that with many otherwise benign ideas. This is not evolution.

In short: you may as well argue that, since some people once believed that bumps on the head told us about someone's personality, all of modern psychology is bunk.

The crippled are just a waste of humanity to some of them.
evolution = scary evil doctrine

No, evolution = "a sound scientific body of work that everyone thinks they understand, but oddly do not."

Get your fact straight.

I just don't understand why so many people feel threatened by the theory of evolution.

hmmm, let's see. Evolution basically teaches that there is no God, no hope, and no reason.

I notice you haven't responded to me. Interesting. Anyway, this is hogwash. It has absolutely nothing to do with religion. Many, many biologists, chemists, anthropologists, and geologists are Christians, and they have no trouble reconciling their scientific knowledge with their beliefs. This is baseless.
How many evolutionary atheists do you see helping any hungry kids in poor countries? It's always the Christians!

First, this isn't true. Many scientists are Christians. Second, what would that have to do with anything even if it were true? I'm not a theist and I regularly give to charities. This is irrelevant.

How many evolutionary atheists do you see standing for definitive morals? None! It's always the Christians (and in some cases, other "religious people")
That is why it is a threat to humanity. The actions many may take with an attitude of "material is all there is, and nothing spiritual", are a danger to the world. Plain and simple.

No, your arguments are bad, plain and simple. Plenty of Christians around the world have no trouble with evolution. Plenty of atheists and materialists care plenty about ethics and human goodwill.

Maybe you should start making claims that are true, sometime.

[/b]Bull. Atheists by and large don't give a crap about the starving humans in other countries. After all, to them it's just like a starving ant in a far off country. A humans value or worth is the same as any other mutated organism, right? C'mon, don't be afraid of what evolution teaches, don't hide it. This is what atheism/evolution is all about.[/b]

(Corgan Sow: That's it? Evolution is bunk because it is an evil atheist dogma? Gooossshhhh :banghead: :banghead:

Got time? Read the rest at that link, folks...

Edited for title
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Old 06-08-2003, 09:09 AM   #2
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Default Re: Some fucking creationist fanboy...

Originally posted by Corgan Sow
Why the juvenile low class thread title?

Is it easier to understand your points if we cuss about it?
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Old 06-08-2003, 10:51 AM   #3
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Default Re: Re: Some fucking creationist fanboy...

Originally posted by Nowhere357
Why the juvenile low class thread title?

Is it easier to understand your points if we cuss about it?
Why the judgement of another's choice of language? "Cussing is bad" is a subjective social concept not an objective why not forget the choice of language and discuss the content?

Corgan Sow...the creationist/evolution deniers have no real argument, so they try to boil it all down to "atheists are evil"...I see it time and again at Christian Forums as well. You can choose to keep beating your head against that wall in the hopes some lurkers may learn something...or give up. I keep at it because I have had lurkers PM and thank me.
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Old 06-08-2003, 10:53 AM   #4
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Frankly, you shouldn't expect anything else from the GameFAQs fora. They're cesspools of stupidity, and I'm not surprised that you found some idiotic christian zealot there. There are probably as many atheist fanboys to be seen.
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Old 06-08-2003, 11:01 AM   #5
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I run into people like this all the time. After figuring out that all my arguments, no matter how good, fall on deaf ears I just kind of gave up on them.
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Old 06-08-2003, 11:08 AM   #6
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Default Re: Re: Re: Some fucking creationist fanboy...

Originally posted by LadyShea
Why the judgement of another's choice of language? "Cussing is bad" is a subjective social concept not an objective why not forget the choice of language and discuss the content?

Corgan Sow...the creationist/evolution deniers have no real argument, so they try to boil it all down to "atheists are evil"...I see it time and again at Christian Forums as well. You can choose to keep beating your head against that wall in the hopes some lurkers may learn something...or give up. I keep at it because I have had lurkers PM and thank me.
Bonjour Lady Shea.....and is it not aggravating when the accomplishments of an individual are demeaned simply because of his faith or lack of...... which is what happens when the harsh statement comes out with " atheists are evil". Or " theists are irrational individuals no matter what accomplishments". It happens on both sides Lady Shea. Some people will unfortunatly resort to demean someone's character when they are " cornered" and challenged to express that they can possibly be wrong.
It comes down to how secure an individual is.... then there is no need to characterize negatively an " opponant". To call him " evil" " stupid" " hypocrite" " immoral" etc etc.....
To comfort those non theists who have encountered the label " atheists are evil " in a christian forum or this very forum, they do not have the exclusivity of being characterized negatively. " Liberal" christians will encounter equal labeling as they challenge legalistic views. As a matter of fact anyone who challenges anything.
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Old 06-08-2003, 12:09 PM   #7
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Originally posted by LadyShea
Why the judgement of another's choice of language? "Cussing is bad" is a subjective social concept not an objective principle...
You provide the answer - it's a subjective social concept. We are in a social setting.

I find that rude language tends to distract - and detract - from the poster's position.

so why not forget the choice of language and discuss the content?
Creationists are fucking idiots, and evolution needs no help from me. And rant threads are fun - I've made a few myself.

Wasn't that just a bit distracting - and detracting?
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Old 06-08-2003, 12:35 PM   #8
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Back on unlimited high speed internet access again off Roadrunner. --------------Finally

Neato.---although it did take a lot longer than I thought it would and I still do not have any e-mail address from Roadrunner so far--even though I know I did everything right to get that part done---no tech support on a Sunday, so will have to wait on that part. 'Puter technology can be such a pain in the butttt.

Just my 2 cents. ---- I have used somewhat catchy titles myself just to draw attention to a thread. But there are catchy titles----------------- and there is what might be called a 7th grade, somewhat infantile, mentality in thread titles too.

I vote for the title of this thread to be 7th grade pre-pubescent stuff. (Just my not so humble opinion.)

Good thread otherwise. Thanks for that part anyway.
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Old 06-08-2003, 02:07 PM   #9
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oh no, not naughty language!

I agree that this guy is fucking stupid, I dunno how he does it, but I think he/she may be the stupidest creationist I've ever seen.
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Old 06-08-2003, 03:16 PM   #10
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The original poster was a creationist?

I must have missed something somewhere. Will admit he or she is very creative in an infantile sort of way.
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