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Old 01-31-2003, 09:04 PM   #271
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Default Repy to Philosoft (... sigh)

I don't care about your "believing" in God or your "opinions about the facts" either. I didn't ask you anything about your beliefs. I didn't even use the word "belief." I'm asking you, pursuant to your previous post wherein you claimed God's existence is an objective fact, to give me a description of the God whose existence has been henceforth established.

Okay, is there anyone out there who's ever read Descartes and understood his proofs for God's existence?

If so, please explain to Philosoft why we cannot "describe" that which the mind clearly and distinctly grasps using pure reason.

If this is not possible - I mean, not possible that anyone here has actually endeavored to pursue what some eleven year olds learned back in that time when Philosophy was valued - then I throw in the god damned towl.

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Old 01-31-2003, 09:08 PM   #272
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Default P.S.

I don't believe anybody around here gives a crap about wasting bandwidth; the fact that there's so much of so little going on in some of these posts is proof of that.

Not that I'm any better. I'm feeding the fuel by believing that some of us know what's going on.

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Old 01-31-2003, 09:12 PM   #273
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was just thinking the other day that I'm hard wired not to believe in God. My mind is just not wired at all the same way as christians. I can't believe in religion any more than I can draw a painting or write with my left hand. I like your concept. I'm genetically defective. I'm missing the God gene.
This is what Amerigin argued as well, but it isn't true. Jung, Muggeridge, and a thousand others thought they would never change. If it were genetic, there would be no converts.

I suggest you invent another rationale.

From what I've seen, that's an accepted practice here.

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Old 01-31-2003, 09:12 PM   #274
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If he asked you to do it, perhaps he feels he knows best. Is he not God? Who knows better you or God? Perhaps he might feel that with his power to guide you, you'll do just fine. Perhaps he feels that he made you in his image and that with his help, you can slaughter right along with the best in the Bible. The Bible says, God asked men to do exactly this. They didn't have the audacity to question the almighty God. God's not squeemish about mass murder, why should you be? Should you rely on God's absolute morality or your earthly understanding of it? With the gleam of the Holy Spirit in their eyes the men of the Bible mass murdered men women and children for the glory of God. Do you believe in the power of God to lead men to do his work? If you couldn't commit mass murder, what if he just wanted you to butcher your child before him to demonstrate your faith? You know how he loves that sweet savor! If he came to you just like this and asked no more than what he asked of the simple men in the Bible, would you consider him good or evil? Would you think he was God or Satan, and how could you tell?
brett I cant see myself killing people what more can I say here...
What say you now Amie? He's not a figment of your imagination. He's not a hallucination. There's no need for faith now. He's real and the face of our almighty God is upon you. What would it take for you to believe in the power and glory of God? What would it take for you to surrender your heart, soul, and earthly knowledge of righteousness and morality to God? What evidence would you need?
oh boy...
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Old 01-31-2003, 09:16 PM   #275
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Lucky for skeptics, Jesus took upon himself the just wrath of God. Of course the Muslims apparently don't see Jesus' sacrifice that way.

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Old 01-31-2003, 09:16 PM   #276
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Hi Joseph!!! Hows it going so far? share some coffee?

Originally posted by brettc
These verses seem to be speaking directly to you Amie. You would refuse God's commandments because why? Because it's immoral? Because it's hideous? Who are you to judge God?
I am not judging God, I am simply saying I won't kill.
Even with God standing before you, your evidence is not convincing enough for you, how can you expect that it will convince us?
I don't expect it to convince you.

BTW Thanks for the scripture brett
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Old 01-31-2003, 09:19 PM   #277
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Originally posted by brettc
Amie, God wants you to be a terrorist.
Quite possibly the creepiest thing I've read all week, congrats!
I just know it. Listen, if Bush believes this, why can't you?
Bush believes what Bush believes, i believe what I believe.
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Old 01-31-2003, 09:22 PM   #278
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Default Re: I Believe in Aimie

Originally posted by Joseph Backs
I believe in Aimie, and who among you has any proof that she actually exists?
1) Aimie seems to be someone as she presents herself as such through the written word
2) Aimie seems to be no one as I never have met her seen her spoken with her or smelt her
3) Aimie seems only to be words expressed intelligibly
4) Words expressed intelligibly must have a source
5) What proof do I have that words expressed intelligibly do not originate from some other extant source in a manner indirectly other than this subject I term (or terms itself) "Aimie?'
6) I cannot prove that these words are not produced by a scoundrel or a trickster whose only intent is to lead me to believe the source of his words are actually those of the concept of the source "Aimie" in order to shield the identity behind the deceiving subject
7) therefore it is possible that "Aimie" does not exist

And, as Aimie first said "man I need some coffee."

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Hi Joseph!!
I like you so much I even forgive you for spelling my name wrong (you are in good company I got a card from my biological dad and even he spelled it just like you)
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Old 01-31-2003, 09:32 PM   #279
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Originally posted by brettc
rolling on floor laughing my fucking ass off
I answered re-define history, culture, and mankind. Then I asked how those changes would change the definition of God as contained in the Bible. No response, no answer.
I must have missed that, it was not intentional. Are you asking how the concept of God would be altered through history changes? I guess I am not clear on exactly how it would affect things, I am fairly certain it would but in what ways I am not sure. Maybe I am not reading your question how it is conveyed though. sorry.
She says she knows what God would or would not do.
No. I said I believe God is all knowing and surely he would know my answer before it was asked of me.

Are you suggesting that you feel I either have to believe in an evil God or no God at all?
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Old 01-31-2003, 09:32 PM   #280
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Default Aimie you believe me!!?!!

Aimie I know it's going to happen. You're going to be led into the death throes of a paradise-seeking fanatic one day, and when that day arrives don't say we didn't warn you.

All your "oh boys" can't keep you from taking the inevitable lick of that special, third-world tyrant's boot.

We are NOT attempting to unseat your authority here as the girl with the least interest in dissecting the bible.

What we ARE attempting to DO is simple. Aimie, we are here only to try to get people to come to their senses.

We need them to understand that Bertrand Russell is a hot dog humpin jerk-off with too many ear-wigs squirming around in his undersized right-hemisphere to be of any use even to charge the gasping pon of a sexually molested gerbil, or a head-through-the-windshield accident survivor.

And with so little to offer the world it's amazing he wasn't shipped off to planet-X or beaten to a pulp when at six he blubered his first philosophic rambling.

What we want to do is light the fire under the ass of this miserable place we call "forum." We need you to understand this, and get on our side, where people who understand how logic works can also conclude that Betrand Russell needs to be made an example of in the worst way, putting us all out of our misery and lighting the way to a new jubiliant tommorow, wherein no such ramblings can be heard in the ears of reasonable men, women, and children, everywhere.

There ... if y'all didn't believe in god, you got to at least believe in that. That's heaven.

Reason is authority. Authority is reasonable.

So bow down. Aimie you're great. don't stop replying to our posts. And get ready to strap some M16's to that exterior and jump out of an Apache over the desert grand to fulfill your highest destiny. Oh yeah.


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