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Old 12-30-2001, 02:41 PM   #21
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Originally posted by davidH:

Look at your bodies! How complicated are they? Each organ functions perfectly with the others. The human body is so complex that we haven't even completely understood yet how it works! Do you think that suggests a random accident that kept on having random accidients over millions of years?

For many people in the world this is far from being true, and not their fault as theists like to say it is as in being punished for the so-called myth of the fall of Man.

Come on, it's a valid statistic that over half the students that study genetics in universities no longer see evolution as possible!

And where did you get this bit of "data", Jerry Falwell U?
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Old 12-30-2001, 03:47 PM   #22
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Originally posted by davidH:
<strong>Come on, it's a valid statistic that over half the students that study genetics in universities no longer see evolution as possible!
What a load of crap!

I got a BS in Genetics last year from the University of Georgia. Evolutionary Biology (GENE 4600) was a requirement. I don't know a single person who came out of that class believing that genetics somehow refutes evolution. I can tell you that your claim is completely crazy. Are you making it up or has someone lied to you?

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Old 12-30-2001, 04:37 PM   #23
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Originally posted by davidH:
I wonder sometimes when talking with those that believe in evolution.
I ask them a question, the answer - well that's out of my depth ask someone in the scientific field.
Why do you believe in gravity? Why do you believe in the existence of atoms?

What causes gravity? Which theory of gravity is the most valid? ... To these two questions, I think you would have to do some extra research or defer to someone more knowledgeable. However, does this weaken your stance that gravity is a scientific fact?

Those that believe in evolution. Why do you believe? Have you read all there is to know about evolution.
I "believe" in evolution due to the overwhelming scientific evidence in its support, e.g., from comparative anatomy, genetics, fossil record and from the general explanatory value of evolutionary theory as a whole. I can't possibly read all there is to know about evolution because 99% of all knowledge pertaining to it has not yet been discovered, and a majority of the evidenec will probably remain undiscovered. Have you read all there is to know about "scientific" creationism?

How everything started, what happened first, why it happened etc.
Can everyone here that believes in evolution answer these questions or do you just believe it anyway.
Irrelevant. That's not something addressed within the pale of evolution. "Why it happened" is a philosophical question. Go take a course in astrophysics or biochemistry and figure it out for yourself.

Do you just believe it because it's the only feasible thing to believe? That is foolishness then. If you believe in evolution because you don't believe in the Bible.....does that mean that you would still believe in evolution if the Bible had never been written? Think about it.
I "believe" in evolution because it is the best explanation for the present diversity of life by far. It is pure nonsense that I believe in evolution because I do not believe in the Bible. Some evolutionists will disagree with my viewpoint, but personally I think evolution is a scientific theory while the Bible is a religious text, and hence cannot be mutually exclusive since they pertain to totally removed fields of thought.

Do you know how everything came to be? What the first chance making of atoms were? Are you sure of what you have been told? Have you made sure it's true? How do you know whether the scientists are telling you the truth or whether they had guessed a certain parts and assumed that they must be true.
You seem to be claiming that simply because one does not know everything there is to know, then one must be ignorant and withold all judgement. Do YOU know all the facts to existence? Then why are YOU being so presumptuous in taking it upon yourself to question ignorant mortals just like YOU? Are you sure that the Bible is the inerrant word of God? Are you sure your "creation scientists" aren't fibbing?

How was evolution proved in the first place? Who did the experiment to show that something formed out of nothing? How did life orginate from the nonliving? How come the chance meeting of organisms with exactly the same mutation occured so many times?
Absolute proof is impossible in science. Who did the experiment to show that John F Kennedy was assassinated? Again, the questions you ask are outside the realm of biological evolution and have no relevance whatsoever. Try again.

How did the eye form by natural selection? All the DNA required to make it function as it does -pages and pages od codes.
Could the eye have formed bit by bit - could it have functioned were certain DNA bits still not mutated enough?
How come we don't see evidience of any of the inbetween animals that there had to have been? Suerly one pair didn't mutate all at once? Where then are the other animals?
&lt;&lt;cough, cough&gt;&gt;

What lack of transitional fossils?

What about Lucy?

&lt;&lt;rest of nonsense has been snipped&gt;&gt;

You make a bunch of baseless assertions and tout them as "scientific facts" or being "scientifically proven." Where are your references? Evolution doesn't start from scratch every time a protein or RNA strand fails to replicate successfully; it's a scaffolding process. You resort to appeals to ignorance and incredulity. It is unthinkable that the human body arose through evolutionary processes, ergo evolution never happened! On the same token, if I have trouble grasping the concept of imaginary numbers, then they don't exist!

I suggest a cursory reading of the FAQ at <a href="" target="_blank"></a>
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Old 12-30-2001, 05:55 PM   #24
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Originally posted by Coragyps:
<strong>davidH, you might want to stay indoors on January 2nd. We'll be only 147,098,058 km from the Sun then - over 1000 km closer than today. Use lots of sunblock, too.</strong>
He might even want to stay indoors tomorrow at noon. After all, the earth's radius brings him more than 1000 km closer to the sun at noon than at midnight.

And he accuses evolution believers of just believing stories because they are told without giving any sort for critical analysis.

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Old 12-30-2001, 07:02 PM   #25
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Yet another fallacy (YAC) that from this apparent hit and run creationist that I don't think has been addressed yet.

When trying to support the false claim of no beneficial mutations he told us:
eg. Rat poison - can cause a mutation that makes the rat seemingly imune to the poison. However Rats that are immune can't make Vit A in their bodies and need to consume large amounts otherwise they die.
The creationist is unclear on concept here.
The rat poison does not cause the mutation. Rather, the rat poison results in a selection pressure that favors the mutation that would be selected against in enviroments where the poison does not exist. It also important to not that whether a mutation is beneficial or harmful depends strongly on where the organism that has it lives.

Please think seriously about this if you have never studied evolution, is it really probable enough to have been feasible?
Yet another creationist who has never studied, in any way whatsoever, evolution and still thinks he is qualified to construct long posts (or possibly copy and paste long posts) to "debunk" it.
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Old 12-31-2001, 07:21 AM   #26
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Thumbs down

Originally posted by davidH:
<strong>Look at your bodies! How complicated are they? Each organ functions perfectly with the others.</strong>
The human body is so riddled with flaws that it could not be the work of a god unless that entity was incompetent and/or sadistic.

The human body is open to a host of infectious maladies. Its organs and skeleton wear down easily and are vulnerable to external trauma. Its arteries readily clog with fat and clots. The excretory and reproductive systems are assembled in a way that makes it prone to illness, obstruction, and pain. Its digestive tract is rigged with a useless remnant that can fester and explode. Its design is so poor that it easily forms precipitates that can cause painful and lethal blockages of the kidneys and liver. Its central nervous system is perilously placed in and upon stacked fragile discs. Its eyes have blind spots that could easily have been avoided with proper planning. Its ears are placed for no particularly good reason so that they can be clogged with mucous. Its lungs get air through an opening that can easily dump in food and saliva leading to pneumonia.

And it has a brain that is dumb enough to accept religious lies

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Old 12-31-2001, 07:26 AM   #27
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Originally posted by rbochnermd:

The human body is so riddled with flaws that it could not be the work of a god unless that entity was incompetent and/or sadistic.

The human body is open to a host of infectious maladies. Its organs and skeleton wear down easily and are vulnerable to external trauma. Its arteries readily clog with fat and clots. The excretory and reproductive systems are assembled in a way that makes it prone to illness, obstruction, and pain. Its digestive tract is rigged with a useless remnant that can fester and explode. Its design is so poor that it easily forms precipitates that can cause painful and lethal blockages of the kidneys and liver. Its central nervous system is perilously placed in and upon stacked fragile discs. Its eyes have blind spots that could easily have been avoided with proper planning. Its ears are placed for no particularly good reason so that they can be clogged with mucous. Its lungs get air through an opening that can easily dump in food and saliva leading to pneumonia.

And it has a brain that is dumb enough to accept religious lies


Well, didn't you know, that is all our fault for the fall of Man? (Standard theist stupid answer)
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Old 12-31-2001, 07:50 AM   #28
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Originally posted by Orpheous99:
<strong>Well, didn't you know, that is all our fault for the fall of Man? (Standard theist stupid answer) </strong>
Yes, I too have heard this one, but always left unexplained is how God suddenly re-arranged us and most other vertebrates from our prior perfect state into our current flawed one. Did Adam's brain migrate from a safer spot in his body to his head? Did Eve's retinas turn inside-out? And why did He do the same thing to some animals but not others?

David's post makes me wonder about Hovind or from whomever it was he obtained his misinformation. They dispense this nonsense to gullible but well-meaning people such as David who then confidently march-off to regurgitate it only to get flamed to a crisp. The person who fed him this garbage has probably done so before knowing that it is nonsense and has likely learned previously that the hapless messenger is destined to be trashed.

Do you suppose the Hovinds of the world get some sort of twisted pleasure from setting up the Davids of the world into making fools of themselves?

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Old 12-31-2001, 11:31 AM   #29
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"The simplest organ which can be called an eye consists of an optic nerve, surrounded by pigment-cells, and covered by translucent skin, but without any lens or other refractive body. We may, however, according to M. Jourdain, descend even a step lower and find aggregates of pigment-cells, apparently serving as organs of vision, without any nerves, and resting merely on sarcodic tissue. Eyes of the above simple nature are not capable of distinct vision, and serve only to distinguish light from darkness."

Took this from the person who put up the post with a web address on.

I disagree with this here. A eye that simple couldn't even distinguish light from darkness unless the head that they were on moved constantly. Infact an eye like that can't be classified as an eye at all.
Don't believe me? Then do some research on the eye - I think you'll find it far more complicated than what Darwin first believed.

For those who talked about the sun not decreasing in size - what do you think, it's refuelled or something?? The sun can't last forever but I know it won't shink away to nothing. I will go into more detail on this but believe me the sun does use up fuel. I will try and find a website for this cause there's no point giving book references.

But still I would be interested to know how you believe something came from nothing. Asking me to explain it myself is an avoidance of the question. You believe it therefore you prove it to me and if it seems resonable to me then I will accept it. - As simple as that.
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Old 12-31-2001, 11:36 AM   #30
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doh! Did it again! Sorry about that.

In relation to you body. I think you should take a look at the immune system - maybe you don't realise how many times this has saved your life.
I think you should look upon it with a little more respect maybe.
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