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Old 07-13-2003, 02:10 PM   #1
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Talking Religionists: They're after our children.

I had to debate whether to use the "laugh" smilie or the "sad" smilie. Read this and let me know which you think suits the topic better.

Of indoctination and brainwashing, here's how the fundies sometimes do it:

Elizabeth passed by her chance to be set free from this bizarre religion several times, because an emotional bond had been formed. "Young victims are often in awe of the power of the kidnappers. They try to strip away layer by layer her identity and her belief system... Emotional bondage can be stronger than chains." (#1). Her emotional bonding to the nutcase prophet "overwhelmed any impulse to escape." (#2) The article goes on to note "How could Elizabeth feel such warmth for her tormentors?" and goes on to quote Mark Zelig, a forensic psychologist:

If you're in a situation where someone threatens your life and you can tell they're deliberating and they decide not to kill you, you're very gracious, and you start to form this bond. (#2)
So, does that last sentence sound familiar?


From about age six to maybe my mid-teen years, summertime used to always include going to "holy roller" crusades and tent revivals, and I don't mean "holy roller" in the figurative sense, either. [NOTE: This was before I joined "the TRUE church" (The Church of Christ, praise be to Alexander Campbell)] In these crusades, lasting sometimes up to two weeks long, with some crusades having services in the morning, afternoon, and late into the night, I would be subjected to day-after-day and late-night after late-night threats of hell fire roasting my bare flesh, threats of "if this were your last night alive...", threats of "Jesus could return before sunrise: are YOU ready?" and so forth. At the SAME time, hope was held out, for the angry god who had threatened to kill me could also be appeased into being my friend with a simple "I'm sorry Jesus". The level of stress would build up as the crusade wore on, and each evening would end with a very emotional appeal to an altar call, a chance to come to the front, kneel at the altar, and end the emotional stress by "giving your life to Jesus", thus placating the angry god (whose power we were in awe of), and who threatened to harm you, and resulting in my feeling much "warmth for my tormentor". This appeal would usually come late at night, after being stressed out by having my life threatened-again- and would always have as its background music the melodic strains of "Just As I Am" lulling all into an emotional trance-like state.
And some real interesting reading:
Christian School Brainwashing

Below is an actual untouched copy of a paper#3 I found left behind on a xerox machine at a Kinko's in Roland Heights, California, back in July of 1995. I had gone in to do some copying, and the person who used the machine before me had forgotten to take out their original. As I read the paper to pass the time as my own papers were being xeroxed, my anger began to rise. Here was the gameplan for some unknown Christian grade school, in which the teachers were plotting how to mess with the brains of little innocent kids, replacing their healthy self-esteem with heaping portions of Christian guilt. Read the paper for yourself now, and I'll continue below it.

... They plan to infect these innocent happy eyed children with a fictitious disease called "sin", then turn around and offer the fictitious snake-oil cure: Jesus. They plan to depress and frighten all these kids with a month after month saturation of death and dying. Little kids, for whom death should be the last thing they think about, instead have it thrust in their face day after depressing day. And when they're at the point of emotional breakdown (as any healthy human mind would be after being subjected to such brainwashing drivel) the last two months of the school year are spent "harvesting". And remember, this harvest season is not just the final culmination of the past school year, but also the EIGHT YEARS prior leading up to this, as the paper says "we are reaping the harvest of the last eight years".

The harvest season consists of a daily emotional guilt-fest, where one teacher dishes out Christian crap while the other scans the audience to see which kid is on the point of an emotional breakdown. As Dick Stuphen writes, concerning early religious revival meetings: "By inducing guilt and acute apprehension and by increasing the tension, the "sinners" attending his revival meetings would break down and completely submit."(#4)

He has interesting links at the bottom of the page, for those who want to read more about brainwashing.

Here's one:
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Old 07-13-2003, 11:36 PM   #2
Join Date: Jun 2000
Location: Los Angeles area
Posts: 40,549

This is not a church state separation issue and is not "secular activism." as we usually think of it.

You have quoted liberally from Mark Smith's "JC not 4 Me" page, which does have a lot of interesting anti-fundamentalist material, since Mark is an ex-fundamentalist. This will do better in GRD
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