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Old 09-14-2004, 05:19 AM   #1
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Default Would you advise a wife this "turn the other cheek"?

Would you advise a wife this "turn the other cheek"?

I find turning the other cheek to be an abusive doctrine that denies both the self-respect and the realities of this world. Would you advise a wife who is getting beaten by her husband to "turn the other cheek"?

Would you advise George W. Bush "turn the other cheek"?

Jesus should have been much more explicit about it not just a blanket absolution for any crime of any kind.
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Old 09-14-2004, 07:24 AM   #2
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Comparing an abused woman to Dubya?

"An eye for an eye leaves the whole world blind."

I forget if that's the correct quote. Anyway I find the "turn the other cheek" thing to be possibly the best lesson in the bible. Too bad Christians don't follow it.
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Old 09-14-2004, 07:39 AM   #3
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There is a story I once heard about Turn the other cheek.
Seems there was a bullyish truck driver who decided he was going to pick on
this preacher.The preacher was pretty good sized, but being a preacher was also very meek,meek being "power under control" not "weak". The truck driver approached the preacher and said "I hear you preach turn the other cheek, is that correct?" To which the preacher replied Yes it is, the Bible says that if a person strikes you on the cheek, to turn the other cheek" So the truck driver says, well let's see if you practice what you preach, and hit the preacher with a right cross. OK preacher what are ya gonna do now? So the preacher turned the other cheek. The truck driver hit the preacher again with a left hook. Now what'cha gonna do preacher, so the preacher took off his coat and said: "The bible doesn't say what to do next, so I'm gonna "clean your plow!"
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Old 09-14-2004, 07:58 AM   #4
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Originally Posted by wala
There is a story I once heard about Turn the other cheek.
Seems there was a bullyish truck driver who decided he was going to pick on
this preacher.The preacher was pretty good sized, but being a preacher was also very meek,meek being "power under control" not "weak". The truck driver approached the preacher and said "I hear you preach turn the other cheek, is that correct?" To which the preacher replied Yes it is, the Bible says that if a person strikes you on the cheek, to turn the other cheek" So the truck driver says, well let's see if you practice what you preach, and hit the preacher with a right cross. OK preacher what are ya gonna do now? So the preacher turned the other cheek. The truck driver hit the preacher again with a left hook. Now what'cha gonna do preacher, so the preacher took off his coat and said: "The bible doesn't say what to do next, so I'm gonna "clean your plow!"
Bout time someone is using thier brain around here. Bravo :thumbs:
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Old 09-14-2004, 10:49 AM   #5
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Originally Posted by jack_hunter
Would you advise a wife this "turn the other cheek"?

I find turning the other cheek to be an abusive doctrine that denies both the self-respect and the realities of this world. Would you advise a wife who is getting beaten by her husband to "turn the other cheek"?

Would you advise George W. Bush "turn the other cheek"?

Jesus should have been much more explicit about it not just a blanket absolution for any crime of any kind.
I remember sometime ago a women asking if Jesus had a sence of humor (on another board of course). Since I wasn't the one she asked I did't reply but I though the above "turn the other cheek" was an excellent example of an Abbot and Costello routine. Of course to make the link one must remember another verse.................."how many times must I forgive", to which Jesus answers flippantly (IMHO), 7 x's 70.

I believe that if Jesus were alive today He might say when asked about forgiveness............"which part don't you understand?" But alas he was much funnier then I...................can you imagine standing there having your cheek slapped 490 times? Hell even the slapper would get tired of slapping, call ya a fool and walk away. Can you even slap someone that many times? Wouldn't your arm get tired?

I've never thought of the verse as having anything to do with defending oneself, but had to do with being a fool.................One can forgive while at the same time turning to walk away.

To me to forgive someone is to see your own fallacy reflected in their behavior and correct it. Sadly, we haven't done that since 9/11.

I agree with an email that I once received alledged to have been written by Robin Williams...................close the boarders, revive star wars, put a baseball bat in the Statue of Liberty's hands, send us all to charm school............and .............BRING BACK OUR JOBS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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