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Old 04-17-2003, 11:58 AM   #241
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Default Jinto 1 of n

dk: I illustrated, Gay culture is laden with promiscuous values and pornographic landscapes marketed in the public square to children under the mask of social sciences, sex education and multicultural ethics i.e. hetero speak for semantic gymnastics.
Jinto: You have illustrated that you are unable to find any part of social science, sex education or multicultural ethics that actually promotes promiscuity. Even planned parenthood (your deamon, not mine) will tell you first and foremost that the only 100% effective protection against pregnancy and STDs is abstinence. Further, you have yet to establish the existence of a "gay marketing program," admitted that so called "Gay cultrue" does not describe the majority of gay people, and frankly made an ass out of yourself by continuously claiming to have established things that you have merely asserted.
dk: I agree gay culture’s promiscuous values and pornographic landscapes (pvpl) don’t describe all gay people anymore than neon lights describe all people that live in Los Vegas.
We spent a page discussing PP, I reviewed the page and found no substantive reply. SIECUS and PP have adismal performance record by any measure, and PP has a history checkered with scandals that begin with using Puerto Rico women as lab rats, to fraudulently marketing of Enron. If you can find one national leader PGM and critical of PP then I concede. That should be easy, except there aren’t any.
dk: Pro Gay Marriage (acronym PGM) responded, “whatever gays value and do in the privacy of their bedroom, they have as much right to the public square as anyone else, and civil liberties protect gay rights.”
Jinto: I responded that everyone, even gays, are obligation to respect others in the public square, with special respect for the nuclear family and youth.
In other words, you use the false assertations of #1 to claim that gays are actively trying to destroy youth, while at the same time failing to refute the right of consenting individuals to do whatever they damn well please in the privacy of their own bedroom. Fallacies of misdirection, anyone?
dk: We agree, everyone is obliged to respect the public square. I never said gays tried to destroy youth, so your response is a non sequitur. You’re arguing with yourself, not anything I said.
dk: PGMers rationalize gay infidelities with heterosexual infidelities.
jinto: We argue that the existence of homosexual infidelities does not constitute an argument against the validity of gay marriage. Fact is, claiming that the existence of promiscuous gay people makes gay marriage invalid is like claiming the existence of proprietorships makes corporations invalid. The argument that you use against gay marriage carries just as much validity against heterosexual marriage, which is to say, none at all.
dk: Argue amongst yourselves, or with yourself, about anything you want, but it has nothing to with the case I put forward. non sequitur.

jinto: To clarify the analogy with proprietorships, your argument is "There are people in group X who do not desire relationship Y, therefore relationship y should not be allowed for group X." This is not a valid argument, period.
dk: Again, you’re arguing with yourself, not me. non-sequitur.
We cycled through a series of gays scandals
  1. mocking procreation with promiscuous anal sex i.e. Bathhouse Politics
  2. leveraging the hiv/aids epidemic to sympathize legitimacy i.e. don’t blame the victim, blame the great while whale
  3. politicizing hiv/aids to thwart the epidemiological investigation with privacy rights.
  4. using education as a staging area to indoctrinate youth i.e. social engineering
  5. using hate speech in appeals to the courts to void the public debate i.e. judicial social legislation
  6. mocking marriage with same sex unions i.e. deconstruct the nuclear family
Jinto: Objection your honor. Relevance? (Also, these assertations are untrue, which means even if they were relevant, they still wouldn't constitute an argument).
dk: Each of these sub items shows Gay leaders routinely scandalize children and families in the public square to promote themselves.
dk: PGMers accuse me of being a ignorant bigot
I say you’re in denial and provide more evidence
PGMers accuse me of being a homophobic bigot
I move on to the next plank
Jinto: Whatever. You are what you are, and your arguments are no more valid because some of us are willing to call a spade a spade. Hiding behind the fact that others don't like you isn't going to convince anyone of anything.
dk: An ad hominem attacks are fallacious, not substantial, whether you like me or not.
dk: I don’t know what to tell you Jinto, but your responses are unsubstantial. In a public debate legitimacy rests upon a coherent presentation of propositional statements supported by evidence that culminates in a necessary conclusion. You haven’t responded with any evidence to support gay marriage, except to
rationalize gay infidelities with heterosexual infidelities,
assert gay rights are a protected liberty, and
ad hominem rants about ignorance, homophobia and hate.
This isn’t an indictment of me but only shows I made my case. I do understand you disagree, but you couldn’t possibly agree and continue to be PGMed.
Jinto: You don't have a case to make. We aren't talking about whether or not gay marriage should be encouraged - this isn't a social engineering discussion, and I wouldn't trust the government to do it correctly if it was. What we are talking about is whether or not gay people should have the same right to formalize their monogamous relaitonships and recieve legal benefits from doing so as anyone else. In order to establish that they should not have this right, you have to show that it directly infringes on the rights of others. What you have given us is instead a rationalization of a clear violation of the fourteenth amendment with homosexual infidelities, and a slippery slope argument based on evidence that has been soundly refuted. The reason why people have difficulty attacking your argument is that you have given us no argument to attack.
dk: I’ve made my case, If you refute it, I’m obliged to capitulate. When you talk about something else,, non sequitur
  1. Jinto: Meanwhile, let me remind you that not only have we refuted your arguments,
    dk: You certainly keep saying you’ve completed refuted me.
  2. Jinto: but I have also shown that there is a clear public policy reason to favor gay marriage: it increases the number of stable two-parent families available for taking care of the children that are already floating around in our foster care system.
    dk: Correction, saying gays couples are stable doesn’t prove squat. For every 2 married couples with children, 1 gay man died from an MSM incident, and 1 gay man waits to die from an MSM incident. That’s not very stable. .
  3. Jinto: Further, it increases this number disproportionately: while a heterosexual couple is likely to consider adoption iff they are infertile, since by definition all gay couples are infertile, that means that all gay couples who are considering having children in the first place will consider adoption.
    dk: I challenge your claim, offer some evidence. Most children adopted domestically are from foster care, kept as the wards of the state after being taken away from their biological parents. The biological parent[s] hope to be reunite with their kid[s]. The claim is insubstantial without evidence, and you got zilch. .
  4. Jinto: That in an ideal world there wouldn't be so many unadopted children is irrelevant.
    dk: I’ve never mentioned an ideal world, non sequitur. Gays Marriage would aggravate the problem by severing the bonds that hold together the nuclear family.
  5. Jinto: The fact is that this is NOT an ideal world and that by prohibiting gay marriage we are denying children the potential for a loving and stable family. Now the validity of this argument is not required to establish that we should allow gay marriage - the simple fact that there is no valid reason not to is sufficient.
    dk: Non-sequitur, you’re arguing with yourself again, I never claimed this was an ideal world.
  6. Jinto: But in this case, you are actually hurting more than just people who are unable to see their significant other in the hospital because they cant' actually marry them. You are hurting millions of American children who currently don't have families available to take care of them.
    dk: I challenge this statement, you can’t possibly show, know or imagine who gets hurt under circumstances beyond your own nose. Most kids are kept in foster care waiting in limbo to be reunited with their biological parent[s].
dk: Any evidence you’ve offered was weak at best. There’s reason to believe, “If pigs had wings they could fly?”. The problem is pigs don’t wings. All “reason” can establish is plausibility, and all things considered plausibility doesn’t stand up to scrutiny in the face of so many public scandals. If there was an outcry from the Gay Community about the Sex Museum gays opened in NYC 5th Ave. to promote pvpl, you would have a point, but gays leaders, publishers and artisans just don’t care. You climb out on limb to back the gay community, while gay leaders, intellectuals, artisans and patrons start up a buzz saw to cut the tree down.
Jinto: I don't expect you to ever agree, but I do expect you to stop using slippery slope fallacies and red herrings to justify yourself.
dk: I have no idea what you’re talking about. If I had a clue “what red hearing” or “what slippery slope” you were talking about I would respond. The ball’s in your court. What “red hearing” and what “slippery slope”?
dk: Sorry but the nuclear family forms the universal archetype of all civilized cultures that exist, so it serves to make cultural diversity possible. Rather, any-group/culture that deconstructs the nuclear family becomes an uncivilized degenerate. Anal sex from a biological, and social perspective can’t consummate a marriage, procreate life or make a family. Gay marriage by definition
severs the moral bond between mother[father] and child
dissolves the Marital Act and
deconstructs the legal standing of the nuclear family before the court.
Gay & Lesbian marriages are functionally and structurally incomputable with the nuclear family and set the rule of law against the nuclear family.
Jinto: The nuclear family is not universal, it just happens to be the family archetype in the culture that has most forcefully imposed itself on others. The U.S. isn't the shining beacon of morality you know.
dk: I’m happy to hear the nuclear family is not universal, but I said, “the nuclear family forms the universal archetype...

Jinto: But that's perfectly irrelevant because Gay marriage does not necessarily even involve children
dk: Gay marriage dissolves the bonds that hold the nuclear family together, and the family archetype becomes the Xfamily archetype. To me, and a lot of people like me, everything familiar about civilization changes. I really don’t think you grasp the scope and magnitude of what I’ve said.

Jinto: In cases where it does involve children, these children are better off actually having a home than remaining in the state's foster care system (and don't tell me that that system shouldn't even exist in the first place if the "nuclear family" was working, because the fact is that the system does exist, and we live in reality)
dk: non sequitur, the xfamily archetype becomes the basis of society, you fundamentally changed all familiar relationships in society by changing the archetype. .

Jinto: Gay Marriage is a marital act. Two people coming together within the bonds of holy matrimony. There is no reason why the respective gender of the participants should make that any less valid
dk: non sequitur, in the nuclear family archetype marriages are consummated by an act of procreation, in the xfamily archetype acts of procreation become superfluous.

Jinto: Gay Marriage does not deconstruct any legal standing of families before the court. If the court is inclined to view family different because it can involve two people of similar sex, then perhaps that is indicitive of a problem with the court itself, since there is no logical necessity to dicriminate on the basis of relative gender.
dk: Sorry, the Census Bureau says many lesbians hide their sexual orientation, and perjure themselves in family court to take and keep custody from the father.

Jinto: In short, gay marriage and straight marriage are indeed compatable and there is no more reason to distinguish between the two than there is to distinguish between microevolution and macroevolution. The fact that conservatives will insist that the two aren't the same thing (for either marriage or evolution) is a reactionary response based on fear and not indicitive of any actual difference.
dk: Tell you what pops, if you want to teach your little boy and girl that MSM or WSW constitutes an act of procreative, you’re not only a liar but a fool. .But mark my words, the day PGM impose, by an act of law, this lie upon my children, is the day I start thinking about killing the enemy. Truth told, I can’t help it, that’s just how I am. I know you probably don’t understand this, but you need to understand for your sake and mine that there’s a lot of men like me. You and I don’t want go there, its a very bad place.
585,000 Married families with Children < 18
155,000 Unmarried women amputated families with children < 18
39,000 Unmarried men amputated families with children < 18
trying to raise 1,588,000 children
Jinto: Then you'd think that expanding the scope of marriage under the law would be a very good thing to do. Thank you for supporting my argument.
dk: Ok fine, scope and magnitude exist as scalars, context gives direction. I’m putting the scope and magnitude into context. Don’t turn family into an excuse to mess with kids, it is a very bad place to go, for all of us.
dk: I’m not going to guess-estimate the number of gay and lesbian households with children under 18. Instead to put this into context there’s about 2 married families with children for every gay man that died from an MSM incident. This context shows how risky gay culture has made a gay lifestyle. If you want to know which cities sport large gay communities, look up the cause of death of young men, and if AIDs tops the list 3 then the city has a large gay community. Go test it out on the NYC, LA, SF, and Miami.
Jinto: Go test it out on any city in Europe. In any case, this is a red herring.
dk: I don’t live in Europe. I want my country safe for my family and kids. It has nothing to do with Europe because I don’t live in Europe. Gay marriage is a bad idea, because it takes us to a bad place beyond anyone’s control.
dk: Gay and Nuclear families are unrelated, because one can’t be derived from the other. Structurally speaking a gay family is dependent and sterile, while the nuclear family is autonomous, self replicating, procreative and self sufficient. To make a gay family with children, you’ve got to take a child from his/her mother or father. Gay marriage dismantle the archetype upon which civilization is based.
Jinto: Excuse me? I'm sorry, but both can be derived from the common ancestor of family, which is defined as "Two or more people who share goals and values, have long-term commitments to one another, and reside usually in the same dwelling place." The issue of marriage, by itself, has nothing to say about whether or not these marriages ever produce children. People can and do get married for the sole purpose of formalizing a monogamous, committed relationship under the law, without children as a consideration. That said, if children are a consideration, I will always point couples first and foremost to the millions of children in the U.S. who currently have no one that they can call mom or dad. This will remain my position even if the couple is capable of producing their own children, for I can concieve of no act more selfish than fulfilling the selfish needs of your own genes and bringing yet another unnessecary mouth into this already overpopulated world while simultaneously turning your back on those who are already in need of people to take care of them. Frankly, if you deem that anyone who either does not raise children or raises the children that someone else abandoned or abused to be unworthy of being called a family, then you are not only redefining family to suit your own purposes, but you are also hailing as an acrhetype all of the ideals of selfishness fear and uncontrolled reproduction that have been the cause of all our societies problems. However, I define a family precisely as it is defined above, and I will not be guilty of wrongfully excluding worthy people from that definition.
dk: Sorry Jinto but homosexuals can’t consummate their marriage with an act of procreation. gay marriage makes a mockery of family. There’s nothing you or I can do or say to change what it means to be a human being. I’m not going to lie about. You do what you want.
dk: So at a pro gay marriage rally, everyone in the opposition camp contains a cancerous brain
Jinto: No, some of them might simply be ignorant of the facts. However, if someone consistenly is unable to change their viewpoint in spite of all evidence to the contrary, then it is logical to classify this inability as a mental disorder, a malfunction of the brain. As for my reccomendation of neurosurgery, that was sarcasm. Neurosurgery invariably produces worse problems than it actually solves.
dk: I understand. For a decent person to commit themselves to a lie, they must dehumanize anyone that fails to go along with the charade. You want to hate me for the lie you’ve committed yourself. That’s why it feels good to call me a mindless bigot, that’s why the people call fetuses stds, and hitler called jews parasites. I know the drill, and I know the bad place it leads too, you don’t want go there with me.

Jinto: And where did I ever say anything about cancer?
dk: I hate cancer, because it killed my mother and grandfather. I could virtually rationalize any crime against a person I conceptualized as being cancerous. That’s how it works, for you, me and everybody else. I caution people about dehumanizing others, and try to avoid it myself for good reason.
dk: It must be my cancerous brain that makes a bigot, moron, dishonest and rude.
Jinto:If you have brain cancer, then that is certainly a possibility. You are perfectly free to talk to your psychiatrist about the possible effects of your affliction, and the various possibilities for treatment, as (s)he is probably more knowledgable about such things than I.
dk: You said, “what you need do is remove from your brain whatever malfunctioning set of neurons...” People don’t undergo brain surgery to “change their mind”, but they do undergo brain surgery to remove a malignancy. What you meant was that people opposed to gay marriage are malignant and should be removed. If that’s not what you meant then you should apologize.
dk: If you could actually name some positive effects from MSM then that would be substantive. But you haven’t.
Jinto: I did. It was in the very sentence you responded to:
dk: I have no idea what you’re talking about.

Jinto: P.P.S. - I'm still looking for a reason that the positive effects of allowing gay marriage in producing more stable families ready to adopt should be ignored.
dk: Whatever positive affects you’ve imagined are implausibility. Gay marriage literally treats the nuclear family with contempt and ridicule. Unless gays muster the character to reform Gay Culture the imaginary “gay stable family” has no substance. Since G&Ls deprive their children of a father and/or mother even your reason lacks plausibility.
dk: hey, I tried to side step this issue because its so emotionally charged, but when you brought it up I had to respond.
Jinto: Red herring then.
dk: That’s no red herring. When a gay man copulates with a post pubescent kid he intends to make the kid a homosexual, the intent being consonant with the act. Suppose I’m the 12 kid that copulates with the gay man. My orgasms were absolutely real, and the experience bent to a homosexual orientation. As I matured I’d have to figure out what the experience meant. It a very substantial issue that there's no answer for, and lays a heavy burdon on PGMers.
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Old 04-17-2003, 12:31 PM   #242
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Originally posted by Philosoft
Incestuous sexual relationships have certain genetic implications that make those marriages undesirable.
Who are you to interfere with a mother's desire to exercise her reproductive rights by bearing her son's child?

And if there are ill effects from incestuous couplings that we know about because the experiment has been done, where has the experiment been done with regard to homosexual parenting, seeing how it is a novelty compared with incest?

And if we decide to enter this brave new world, and the experiment goes bad, will it be possible to fix it? After all, we're not talking about tweaking the ship's engine here, we're talking about modifying the hull below the waterline. If we modify the institution of marriage in a way that produces substantial numbers of children who are morally degenerate, and thus more prone to be enslaved, we'll eventually be sunk.

Is marriage any more than a ceremony, a piece of paper and possibly a state-of-mind?
Possibly?? For crying out loud, it is what protects children from society's predators. If parents don't do it, the state will assume that authority. Is that what you want?

I'm curious. As far as you know, she only did sex-type things with one guy.
While it is technically true that her stint with the Big Creep is the only one on public record, I find it very difficult to believe he was the first.

They're not killing anyone like you make it sound.
Had I meant to make it sound like that, I'd have said it outright.

If the child gets the proper rearing, I don't see how homosexual parenting is a executable offense.
That's precisely the point. The child CAN'T, IMO, get proper rearing by someone who deliberately deprives them of the other. Such a minset is compelling evidence that the parent is predjudiced against the opposite sex. Is it really hard to imagine that a lesbian mom who took this route would unconsciously instill a disdain for masculinity in a boy?
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Old 04-17-2003, 12:49 PM   #243
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Try swinging, and you'll see.
Ah, but polygamy and polyandry are not the same thing as "swinging." Besides, even then I suspect the potential for jealousy would still exist.
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Old 04-17-2003, 01:21 PM   #244
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It has nothing to do with Europe because I don’t live in Europe. Gay marriage is a bad idea, because it takes us to a bad place beyond anyone’s control. "
This seems to be to be an emotional statement with little to back it up. Beyond whos control? Yours? And anyway, why shouldn't Europe matter? Surely this "problem" that you seem to see in gay marriage applies to all people, even mere Europeans like me?

"Sorry Jinto but homosexuals can’t consummate their marriage with an act of procreation. gay marriage makes a mockery of family"
Ahh, so families require procreation otherwise it is a mockery? Tell that to the infertile couples. I'm sure they'll be happy to know that.

"You want to hate me for the lie you’ve committed yourself. That’s why it feels good to call me a mindless bigot, that’s why the people call fetuses stds,"
Pardon? Fetuses STDs? I have never heard anyone say that, ever. Where are you getting all this from?!

"Gay marriage literally treats the nuclear family with contempt and ridicule. Unless gays muster the character to reform Gay Culture the imaginary “gay stable family” has no substance. Since G&Ls deprive their children of a father and/or mother even your reason lacks plausibility."
If I ever got married to another woman, it would be because I wanted to get married, not because I wanted to ridicule the idea of marriage. Anyone who wants to get married to another person obviously respects the ideals of monogamy, and therefore should be supported, no?

"That’s no red herring. When a gay man copulates with a post pubescent kid he intends to make the kid a homosexual, the intent being consonant with the act."
This is NOT about people having sex with kids! Stop bringing it up! No-one here is advocating sex with minors, or trying to force other people into being gay. So stop talking about it, as it it not relevant to this discussion. Pedophilia is not the same as homosexuality.

dk, do you think it is better for a children to have 2 gay parents who love them and do the best they can for them, two straight parents who mistreat them, or no parents at all?

Moving on to yguy...
"After all, we're not talking about tweaking the ship's engine here, we're talking about modifying the hull below the waterline. If we modify the institution of marriage in a way that produces substantial numbers of children who are morally degenerate, and thus more prone to be enslaved, we'll eventually be sunk."
That is possibly the single most ridiculous statement I've heard so far. Gay marriage is not so hard to add. It still involves two people getting married to each other because they are in love. Gay parents do not necessarily produce kids who are morally degenerate, and I would demand your proof before you make accusations like that. And where's this crap about enslavement come from?!

"Such a minset is compelling evidence that the parent is predjudiced against the opposite sex. Is it really hard to imagine that a lesbian mom who took this route would unconsciously instill a disdain for masculinity in a boy?"
Speaking as a lesbian here: Women do not become lesbians because they hate men. They simply feel sexually attracted towards other women. I have plenty of male friends, who I like just as much as my female friends. I have no disdain for masculinity, and would seriously hope I would never instill anything similar in any children. If I were to adopt a child in a lesbian relationship, I would ensure he grew up knowing plenty of other boys and male role models.

Incidentally, I see dk is less vocal on lesbians. Is this because there is no disease record to condemn us with? No biblical verses? Or that he feels no personal disgust at the idea?
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Old 04-17-2003, 01:24 PM   #245
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Originally posted by yguy
Who are you to interfere with a mother's desire to exercise her reproductive rights by bearing her son's child?

I suppose I'm one of those who says, "Look, reproduction between individuals who share 50% of their genes increases the probability that the offspring will have genetic disorders by N%."
And if there are ill effects from incestuous couplings that we know about because the experiment has been done, where has the experiment been done with regard to homosexual parenting, seeing how it is a novelty compared with incest?

I'm not aware of any. What do you suggest we do in the absence of data? Accept your intuitive notions as fact?
And if we decide to enter this brave new world, and the experiment goes bad, will it be possible to fix it? After all, we're not talking about tweaking the ship's engine here, we're talking about modifying the hull below the waterline. If we modify the institution of marriage in a way that produces substantial numbers of children who are morally degenerate, and thus more prone to be enslaved, we'll eventually be sunk.

Hold on. When did you demonstrate a difference between hetero- and homosexual morals?
Possibly?? For crying out loud, it is what protects children from society's predators. If parents don't do it, the state will assume that authority. Is that what you want?

I didn't say I wanted anything. I think the impetus for this sub-topic was your insistence that marriage had a non-scriptural origin. Marriage has obviously been usurped by the state for its own reasons, but I'm pretty sure it's originally a religious institution.
While it is technically true that her stint with the Big Creep is the only one on public record, I find it very difficult to believe he was the first.

Okay, so how many does it take? Does a sitting president count more than Tom Green?
Had I meant to make it sound like that, I'd have said it outright.

Yeah, I noticed you don't have many reservations talking about killing people for alleged social transgressions.
That's precisely the point. The child CAN'T, IMO, get proper rearing by someone who deliberately deprives them of the other.

You do realize, do you not, that a universal statement such as this is falsifiable by a single counter-example?
Such a minset is compelling evidence that the parent is predjudiced against the opposite sex. Is it really hard to imagine that a lesbian mom who took this route would unconsciously instill a disdain for masculinity in a boy?
Of course it's not hard to imagine. The question is, is it common? Per your continued egregious stereotyping, there are a number of mature, intellingent, sophisticated lesbians who post regularly on IIDB. I suggest you query some of them, to perhaps offset your overactive imagination.
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Old 04-17-2003, 03:11 PM   #246
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Originally posted by Salmon of Doubt
That is possibly the single most ridiculous statement I've heard so far. Gay marriage is not so hard to add. It still involves two people getting married to each other because they are in love. Gay parents do not necessarily produce kids who are morally degenerate, and I would demand your proof before you make accusations like that.
No, "gay" parents don't necessarily produce kids who are more morally degenerate than the norm. There are certainly kids who would be better off with such parents than the parents they have.

And where's this crap about enslavement come from?!
The most striking example of this principle in action that I'm aware of is Holland, whose capital city is also the pedophilia capital of the world, and which is - perhaps not so paradoxically - in danger of falling under sharia law due to a huge influx of Islamic Arabs.

Speaking as a lesbian here: Women do not become lesbians because they hate men. They simply feel sexually attracted towards other women. I have plenty of male friends, who I like just as much as my female friends. I have no disdain for masculinity, and would seriously hope I would never instill anything similar in any children. If I were to adopt a child in a lesbian relationship, I would ensure he grew up knowing plenty of other boys and male role models.
I believe you. What I doubt is whether you are completely aware of whatever level of hostility towards masculinity that you do have. This is not a problem peculiar to homosexuality, of course, as almost everyone has at one time or another hated someone of the opposite sex and repressed it. Why then, you will ask, the spotlight be cast on homosexuals? Because they make an issue of their sexuality by demanding acceptance. As a society, we can't condone things that erode our moral foundations. We have the right and the duty to determine what a legitimate marriage is; contrarily, homosexuals have no right to demand that their unions be deemed legitimate by society at large.
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Old 04-17-2003, 03:18 PM   #247
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Originally posted by tronvillain
Ah, but polygamy and polyandry are not the same thing as "swinging." Besides, even then I suspect the potential for jealousy would still exist.
The potential might, but the practical result is very different.
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Old 04-17-2003, 03:46 PM   #248
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Originally posted by Philosoft
I suppose I'm one of those who says, "Look, reproduction between individuals who share 50% of their genes increases the probability that the offspring will have genetic disorders by N%."
How does this address the question of reproductive rights?

I'm not aware of any. What do you suggest we do in the absence of data? Accept your intuitive notions as fact?
I did a 7 page thread on why assumptions are dangerous, and somehow nobody believes I meant it. Your assuming I am correct would be as silly as assuming I am not.

Hold on. When did you demonstrate a difference between hetero- and homosexual morals?
I'm not sure either of those terms have meaning, since there are obviously immoral heterosexuals. It's not a question of inculcated values so much as of the psychodynamics of parenting.

I didn't say I wanted anything. I think the impetus for this sub-topic was your insistence that marriage had a non-scriptural origin.
What I actually said was that its basis was independent of scripture, not that it was non-scriptural. IOW, the source of the scripture and the source of marriage are one and the same, just as the apple and the leaf spring from the same seed, though they are different things.

Marriage has obviously been usurped by the state for its own reasons, but I'm pretty sure it's originally a religious institution.
OK, let's stipulate for argument's sake that it is, from a sociologist's POV. What of it?

Okay, so how many does it take?
I don't know, but I suspect it took more than one for her to be brazenly slutty enough to flash her thong at the Prez.

You do realize, do you not, that a universal statement such as this is falsifiable by a single counter-example?
I suppose it is, but we run into the problem of defining what proper rearing consists of, and by what standard we determine whether it has been given. If the kid grows up to be a Rhodes Scholar, does that falsify my claim? In light of Bill Clinton's treachery, I think not - but even beyond that, we can't think just one generation ahead. We need to produce children who are better than their parents, otherwise we will produce children who are worse - and that is unacceptable.

Of course it's not hard to imagine. The question is, is it common? Per your continued egregious stereotyping, there are a number of mature, intellingent, sophisticated lesbians who post regularly on IIDB. I suggest you query some of them, to perhaps offset your overactive imagination.
What would that prove? If there are any lesbians on this board who are even aware of any disdain they have of masculinity, will any admit it? Hardly.

And, BTW, I must object to your continued propensity to broaden my original provocative statement to include all homosexual parents, when I have repeatedly said it is those who deliberately conceive - or cause to be conceived - a child knowing it will be either motherless or fatherless that I have a problem with.
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Old 04-17-2003, 03:49 PM   #249
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Originally posted by yguy
The most striking example of this principle in action that I'm aware of is Holland, whose capital city is also the pedophilia capital of the world, and which is - perhaps not so paradoxically - in danger of falling under sharia law due to a huge influx of Islamic Arabs.
First, would you cite your sources for your claim about Holland and pedophilia, and then relate that to your use of the term enslavement?

Second, jumping from the first part of your sentence to the second appears to be one of the largest non sequitors that I can recall seeing. What tortured point are you trying to make there?

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Old 04-17-2003, 03:55 PM   #250
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Yguy sounds like murdered Dutch right-winger Pym Fortune, making claims about the Netherlands (the most liberal country in the world!) falling under Sharia law.
It is typical of homophobes that they confuse homosexuality with paedophilia.
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