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Old 02-22-2005, 03:59 AM   #271
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I've listed several categories of disproof.

All of which are easily dismissed by doing some google searches on the internet.

Not so. They are discussed regularly on this forum.

That they are discussed in forums does not mean that there aren’t reasonable explanations for them.
You seem to have missed my point. The "reasonable explanations" are addressed in the discussions. They don't stand up.
Not a single miracle in the NT took place at a specified location in space and time (even the resurrection can't be pinned down to a specific year). Not a single skeptic could say "hey, I was there at that time!".

But there are facts we know such as the presence of pilate. The bible mentions specific places of several miracles. Could you clarify what you meant by specified location?
Isn't it obvious? The details provided in the Bible are not sufficient to identify a place and time where a witness or skeptic would have to be. Let's use one of your own exapmples:
I am not asking anyone to “prove a negative�. I am asking someone to come up with information that would show the biblical account to be in error. An example I used is Jesus of Nazareth competing in a carpentry competition in some other city on the day of the resurrection thus showing the account to be impossible. Do you know of such information?
OK, let's assume that I'm a 2nd century Jew with detailed records of carpentry competitions in Tyre throughout the 1st century.

The day of the resurrection. Hmmm. That was... when, exactly?

Do you see the problem here?

Let's suppose Jesus DID compete, during the Passover season in 32 AD. How could this disprove the resurrection?
And, yes, plenty of modern Christian apologists still fail to mention refutations.

Christians actually preserved arguments of opponents and continue to do so. I’m having trouble figuring out why you make this statement.
Because it is true that plenty of modern Christian apologists fail to mention refutations. Therefore it is entirely reasonable to suppose that plenty of ancient Christian sources would have been no better. Only SOME Christian sources preserve and correctly present arguments of opponents.
This can easily be seen on any creationist website, for instance: or lists of "successful Biblical prophecies" that don't mention the failures.

Curious. I was unaware of any such failures.
Thank you for proving my point.
More circular reasoning. You're assuming that the gospels were written soon after the events they described, and were available to skeptics as "purported eyewitness accounts". Fictions written decades later could not be refuted by actual "eyewitnesses".

Even if they were written decades later, many eyewitnesses would still be alive. Wouldn’t you agree?
No. Quite apart from the whole issue of the impossiblility of skeptical "eyewitnesses" if the event was fictional, there probably wouldn't BE surviving eyewitnesses after many decades. We're not talking 2 or 3 decades here, but at least 5, and maybe 8 or more.
There are many people who read the bible who do believe the prophecies came true and I could introduce them to you so it is incorrect to say that anyone who reads the bible thinks they are false.

Forgive me for not visiting the website. There are many websites that claim just the opposite of what that one claims. We would be reduced to name dropping. You just tell me which ones went unfulfilled and we’ll discuss it.
Can you bring me one of the bodies of the dragons that now inhabit Babylon, or tell me which Egyptian cities speak Caananite? Or maybe you should chat to an inhabitant of a city which would "never again be inhabited", like Tyre?
You're arguing that the gospel writers would have lacked the knowledge to invent claims of "prophecy fulfillment" because they were uneducated.

That is a misrepresentation. I read through my previous post and I assert that the gospel writers were unable to engineer circumstances to fit well known prophecies.

You are still assuming that the events described actually happened. FICTIONAL events can be engineered very easily by the author.
OK, prove that they WERE uneducated.

Do you dispute the traditional belief that matthew was a tax collector which certainly would have presupposed some sort of education?
You seem to be contradicting yourself. YOU claimed they were "uneducated".
I guess you could start by proving that the "Gospel of John" was actually written by a "rugged fisherman". Good luck.

If we’re talking about the apostle john, is there reason to believe he wasn’t the fisherman from galillee?
No, I'm talking about the author of the book. Is there any good reason to believe that he WAS a fisherman from Galilee?
I have repeatedly pointed out that we DO have proof that certain Biblical claims are untrue. I have repeatedly pointed out that we DO have proof that the bible is false or unreliable.

Whoa. I must be blind because I missed where you proved such. Would you mind refreshing my memory?
I created a thread specifically to address part of this proof: E/C split from "Is Lack of Evidence a form of Evidence?"

You have yet to respond to it.
Belief in "Biblical errancy" is increasingly popular because the Bible is erroneous. This is "natural selection" at work: competent scholars soon discover this, leaving only the incompetent and/or ignorant ones behind.

Wow. I see that you keep repeating that the bible is erroneous, but I keep missing where you show it. All I have seen so far from you is a couple of quotes from a website that misquotes and misinterprets a bible verse.
...And my new thread, which you ignored. But we are familiar with Christian apologists who insist that skeptics have "misinterpreted" Biblical verses. Apparently, their sole criterion is "I don't like the author's conclusions". Can you provide evidence that Farrel Till has indeed misinterpreted the Gospel of Matthew?

While you're at it:
A person doesn’t necessarily have to leave behind written records of themselves in order to be known. You state that no one who knew Him left any record of Him which is untrue. That’s the whole point of the gospels.
(emphasis mine)

Please present your evidence that somebody who knew Jesus actually left records, or admit that your statement "which is untrue" is merely dogma.

I also noticed this:
Wow. I can’t fathom how you can consider that a reasonable method of verifying reliability. Taking a document that is known to have errors and is not above reproach and using it as a template against another work. please explain how you consider this a reliable method of determining historical veracity.
Please explain why YOU use a document that is known to have errors and is not above reproach and use this as the SOLE basis of all your claims...
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Old 02-23-2005, 02:43 PM   #272
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Originally Posted by Diogenes the Cynic
Skeptics don't make claims. They merely demand evidence for YOUR claims.
isn't that a claim?
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Old 02-23-2005, 02:57 PM   #273
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Originally Posted by bfniii
isn't that a claim?
No, it's a question.
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Old 02-24-2005, 12:04 AM   #274
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Originally Posted by ceverante
This question is geared toward the alledged existance of the Messiah Jesus Christ, the source of Christianity. I believe that there is not a single contemporary historical account of Yeshua of Nazareth. Even Paul never claim to have seen the human Jesus. There exists today nothing by him, no painting, no writing, no carpentry and no physical description of him.

Just because there are no records does not eqate that something did not happen/exist, but it's the fact that record does indeed exists, just that these existing records did not mention Jesus nor Nazareth. There are many records of Roman executing self-claimed Messiah, yet none of them mentioned the trial of Jesus Christ by Pontius Pilate, among the abundance or trial records.

There exists record of the cities of Galilee as well as contemporary maps, yet none show a Nazareth. No such town of Nazareth is mentioned in the OT, Josepehus or Talmud.

So why do some people believe that he was a real and not fictional person when all he existed was in the bible?
Because Western Civilization suffers from a cultural concussion. We've been assuming the veracity of his historicity for so long that the position is entrenched to the point where it's going to take a small army of Ph.D.'s to properly besiege it.

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Old 02-24-2005, 02:04 PM   #275
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Originally Posted by Jack the Bodiless
The "reasonable explanations" are addressed in the discussions. They don't stand up.
To whom?

Originally Posted by Jack the Bodiless
Isn't it obvious? The details provided in the Bible are not sufficient to identify a place and time where a witness or skeptic would have to be.
The problem with your scenario is that you’re assuming that a 2nd century jew would not have or know where to get this information.

Additionally, doesn’t the bible specifically mention the place of the resurrection?

Originally Posted by Jack the Bodiless
Let's suppose Jesus DID compete, during the Passover season in 32 AD. How could this disprove the resurrection?
Interesting question. How could He be in two places at once?

Originally Posted by Jack the Bodiless
Because it is true that plenty of modern Christian apologists fail to mention refutations.
Which ones?

Originally Posted by Jack the Bodiless
Therefore it is entirely reasonable to suppose that plenty of ancient Christian sources would have been no better. Only SOME Christian sources preserve and correctly present arguments of opponents.
Curious. How do we know that first or second century Christians intentionally avoided or maliciously destroyed opposition?

Furthermore, why do you assume that only Christians were able to preserve or not preserve documents? How could Christians have destroyed every single refutation from anywhere and anytime that they wanted to?

Originally Posted by Jack the Bodiless
Thank you for proving my point.
I don’t see how this proves your point. I am asking you for specific examples of these alleged failures. So far, you have been unable to provide any contradictions or failed prophecies in the bible that aren’t the product of biblical misinterpretation.

Originally Posted by Jack the Bodiless
No. Quite apart from the whole issue of the impossiblility of skeptical "eyewitnesses" if the event was fictional, there probably wouldn't BE surviving eyewitnesses after many decades. We're not talking 2 or 3 decades here, but at least 5, and maybe 8 or more.
This response seems to have two dichotomous views. Is the response assuming the gospels are fictional or not? If not, that they chronicle an actual event, then I don’t see how someone can assume no eyewitnesses survived five centuries later.

If you are assuming the gospels are fictional, why do you do so? This point is something I have been unable to get a skeptic to answer from the very first page of the thread. What constitutes as evidence? How do we know anything from a first century author is true?

Originally Posted by Jack the Bodiless
Can you bring me one of the bodies of the dragons that now inhabit Babylon, or tell me which Egyptian cities speak Caananite? Or maybe you should chat to an inhabitant of a city which would "never again be inhabited", like Tyre?
Since Babylon doesn’t exist anymore, it would stand to reason that the first prophecy you cite was fulfilled. The second prophecy has been, at least in part, fulfilled by the spread of Christianity there to Egypt. And the last:

“fulfilled as to the mainland Tyre, under Nebuchadnezzar. The insular Tyre recovered partly, after seventy years (Isaiah 23:17,18), but again suffered under Alexander, then under Antigonus, then under the Saracens at the beginning of the fourteenth century. Now its harbors are choked with sand, precluding all hope of future restoration, "not one entire house is left, and only a few fishermen take shelter in the vaults" [MAUNDRELL]. So accurately has God's word come to pass.� Jamieson, fausset, brown commentary.

So far, any specific mention by you of biblical error has been the product of misinterpretation. Got any others?

Originally Posted by Jack the Bodiless
...Why? You are still assuming that the events described actually happened. FICTIONAL events can be engineered very easily by the author.
Here again we see the assumption that the gospels are fictional without having established such. If they are not fictional, then there is no way authors could have engineered the events of the gospels.

Originally Posted by Jack the Bodiless
You seem to be contradicting yourself. YOU claimed they were "uneducated".
Not they, john. Matthew certainly had the opportunity to have had a prior education.

Originally Posted by Jack the Bodiless
No, I'm talking about the author of the book. Is there any good reason to believe that he WAS a fisherman from Galilee?
Why would we not?

Originally Posted by Jack the Bodiless
I created a thread specifically to address part of this proof: You have yet to respond to it.
I apologize for my tardiness. I am moving into a new house. Please bear with me. I am being asked to take part in 3 other forums so I am getting stretched, but I will make it there asap.

Originally Posted by Jack the Bodiless
...And my new thread, which you ignored.
The evolution thread??

Originally Posted by Jack the Bodiless
But we are familiar with Christian apologists who insist that skeptics have "misinterpreted" Biblical verses. Apparently, their sole criterion is "I don't like the author's conclusions". Can you provide evidence that Farrel Till has indeed misinterpreted the Gospel of Matthew?
What specific instance are you referring to?

Originally Posted by Jack the Bodiless
Please present your evidence that somebody who knew Jesus actually left records, or admit that your statement "which is untrue" is merely dogma.
Is there a reason or proof that what the bible claims, eyewitnesses to Jesus’ ministry, is untrue? As I have stated before, I am asking what your version of events is and why anyone should believe it.

Originally Posted by Jack the Bodiless
Please explain why YOU use a document that is known to have errors
We’re still missing these errors……….

Originally Posted by Jack the Bodiless
and is not above reproach
how so?

Originally Posted by Jack the Bodiless
and use this as the SOLE basis of all your claims...
why would it not be the basis of the Christian claims?
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Old 02-24-2005, 02:11 PM   #276
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Originally Posted by Diogenes the Cynic
No, it's a question.

you state that "skeptics don't make claims" which is itself a claim. then you state that they require proof of other's claims which is another claim thus contradicting your original statement.

my main question is why anyone should take you seriously with this cowardly approach to history. you flippantly advocate an unfalsifiable position, that of criticizing a particular historical narrative without providing an alternate version of events (i.e., "x didn't happen but y did and here's why"). stopping short of providing your own explanation is unscholarly.
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Old 02-24-2005, 02:53 PM   #277
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Originally Posted by bfniii
my main question is why anyone should take you seriously with this cowardly approach to history. you flippantly advocate an unfalsifiable position, that of criticizing a particular historical narrative without providing an alternate version of events (i.e., "x didn't happen but y did and here's why"). stopping short of providing your own explanation is unscholarly.
Isn't that the approach that scientific creationists (read: religious fundamentalists) take in their efforts to bring down the Theory of Evolution? They spend 99% of their time railing against evolution, and 1% of their time articulating an alternative scientific narrative. Flood Geology surely is a well fleshed out theory...

(Flood Geology)
The fossil record is the way it is because well there was a flood and everything was chaotic...
I’m guessing that perhaps Diogenes the Cynic is not providing an alternate historical narrative for the sake of brevity. I am guilty of this myself on a regular basis, as constructing such a narrative can be time consuming. Just a thought.

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Old 02-24-2005, 06:15 PM   #278
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Welcome to IIDB if nobody has said it already! While I understand your analogy, I strongly suspect that, because it involves a 'hot button' issues like evolution that it is highly likely to create a significant tangent in an already problematic thread. I must ask anyone posting to refrain from contributing to a potentially lethal derailment. If you want to debate evolution/creationism, take it over to that forum. Thanks in advance.

Originally Posted by Rameus
I’m guessing that perhaps Diogenes the Cynic is not providing an alternate historical narrative for the sake of brevity.
I don't want to speak for Diogenes but he may not have provided it simply because it isn't necessary to do so in order to conclude that an asserted claim is not credible. The notion that one must offer an alternative explanation when concluding that an asserted explanation is not believable is without any basis in logic or reason and is just another way of attempting shift the burden of proof.
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Old 02-24-2005, 06:55 PM   #279
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Originally Posted by Amaleq
I don't want to speak for Diogenes but he may not have provided it simply because it isn't necessary to do so in order to conclude that an asserted claim is not credible. The notion that one must offer an alternative explanation when concluding that an asserted explanation is not believable is without any basis in logic or reason and is just another way of attempting shift the burden of proof.
Thumped_Bible_Head's criticisms were made in the context of historical discussion. In that respect he is quite right. I was merely pointing out to Mr. Thumped_In_Head_With_Bible that although it may not be proper historical manners, some of us are trying to be conservative with our time and as such we don't always articulate lengthy alternative narratives.

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Old 02-24-2005, 07:03 PM   #280
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Originally Posted by bfniii

you state that "skeptics don't make claims" which is itself a claim. then you state that they require proof of other's claims which is another claim thus contradicting your original statement.
I was trying to make the point that the skeptical position is one that *asks* for proof of assertions rather than making assertions of one's own.
my main question is why anyone should take you seriously with this cowardly approach to history. you flippantly advocate an unfalsifiable position, that of criticizing a particular historical narrative without providing an alternate version of events (i.e., "x didn't happen but y did and here's why"). stopping short of providing your own explanation is unscholarly.
As Amaleq said, it is not necessary to provide "alternative explanations" in order to show that a postulated position is flawed or unproven.

I am making no assertion as to what DID happen, I'm only pointing out that your version of events is unproven at best and contains serious plausibility problems as well.
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