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Old 05-02-2011, 04:42 PM   #11
Join Date: Apr 2004
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Originally Posted by Roger Pearse View Post
Originally Posted by Chili View Post
And I fully agree with your salute to females but the real tragedy is that females outnumber males as the default sex identity on Gods green earth ...
It is not immediately obvious to me that this is a tragedy. An opportunity, possibly. I suppose it depends how many of those females are young, blond, and available; and how many are like Hilary Clinton. Decisions decisions.

However you look at it, life is just so complicated.

All the best,

Roger Pearse
Go to the former USSR and you will find females outnumber males 10 to 4, all beautiful ladies expressing now the soul nature of high-culture Russia before its crash that was followed by a crunch instead of reform and so neutered the masculine male with no ego to polish and shine so that he can have an identity of his own. Sad but true and this could very well be the greatest cost of Communism as it was there.

As I understand, and this is just hearsy to me, that in Canada today 'husband sharing' is being evaluated to provide family assimilation to the upper class single females where the available male shortage is more evident with also a notable higher percentage of humosexual males in that same social environment.

Not sure if this means anything but for my own satisfaction I have demonstrated with chickens that a 100 male birth is possible by just creating the right social enviroment. So yes, it appears to be a 'domestication' problem.
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Old 05-02-2011, 04:48 PM   #12
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Originally Posted by Iskander View Post
Eve did not cause Adam to eat the fruit; she was serving the dinner requested by Adam. She had tested the fruit before serving it as cooks usually do.

The head gardener was jealous when he saw that Eve preferred Adam and sent them both packing. The first ménage a trois terminated by the shocking anger of the cornu and this illegal eviction is the first crime passionnel ever recorded.

Her name was Hava and she was a lady first and a woman only to Adam
Oh it is universal and belongs in each and every mythology since that is where we come full circle and know it as if for the first time. And yes, she was a lady first and queen to make kingship known.
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Old 05-02-2011, 06:09 PM   #13
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Originally Posted by Toto View Post
Originally Posted by judge View Post
Of course I read the story, I just never had any experience of men using it to say women were sinful?
Maybe April's book is more needed in some places that others I guess.

Added in edit: Just out of interest, have you had the experience of men using this verse to say that women were sinful? If so can you say where this happened?

These days, few people will say so out loud. But that's only because Hell hath no fury as a Woman denigrated with ancient religious texts.

But not that long ago:

But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence.—St. Paul

Hardly anyone noticed this summer when former president Jimmy Carter explained why he had decided to leave the Baptist Church. However “painful and difficult,” wrote Carter in an essay that appeared in the Guardian, his break with the denomination to which he had belonged for sixty years had begun to seem like the only possible response to past opinions expressed and codified by the Southern Baptist Convention. “It was an unavoidable decision when the convention’s leaders, quoting a few carefully selected Bible verses and claiming that Eve was created second to Adam and responsible for original sin, ordained that women must be ‘subservient’ to their husbands and prohibited from serving as deacons, pastors, or chaplains in the military service. This was in conflict with my belief—confirmed in the holy scriptures—that we are all equal in the eyes of God.”
Only and all the human condition is sin since it is TOK in origination, temporal and blank slate based from where also our goodness is like filthy rags beside the woman of the TOL, presiding there still and ruling over the TOK from behind the scene.

The eiditic images we created are insights only because they are tied down in the soul by the woman (who actually prompted the primary premiss as the postive stand in the rout), to be retained in heaven (mansion image) after the woman is assumed and crowned queen of heaven on/and earth.

Original sin is the best thing that ever happened to mankind who so became a rational agent (as are all sentient beings) that enables him to cope and survive in a changing biological environment, but also is wherein he is estranged from his own true identity and therefore a stranger in a foreign land.
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Old 05-07-2011, 06:04 AM   #14
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Originally Posted by Chili View Post
[Not sure if this means anything but for my own satisfaction I have demonstrated with chickens that a 100 male birth is possible by just creating the right social environment. So yes, it appears to be a 'domestication' problem.
Here's more on that in case you wonder:

What prompted the experiment was a discussion that there has never been 'female dominant' society that survived for long. This was discussed in and Anthro course I took (I did a BA when I was 42), but there was one in Southern Tibet where they practiced polyandry and was female dominant on account of the surname being that of the female, but surprising was that they had close to 75 % male births. They were Buddhist in a very harsh climate with always one male out with the animals and a monk on the road (maybe) but these details were not clear to us.

My reaction was how a woman can be dominant with 3 males around, and of course I am from the 'opposite sex society' and saw in church that active intelligent left brain females had fewer or no boys born to them.

Of course my theory was my own but I saw this as evidence in my favor and that is what started the experiment.

We had Silky's and bantams for fun with the kids (over the the years we had peacocks and guiney hens, turkeys and ducks geese and even pheasants). Not sure if you know but normal bantams are tough little barnyards chickens that survive easy but Silkies are a fancy show animal, white, with long leg and neck feathers and they are silky to the touch and are very gentle little chickens.

I noticed that they produced more male birds from the bantams so next year I put 5 bantam roosters with one silky and all she had was males. That was about 25 years ago and did it again with the same success.

The experiment may not have been fair to her but that was like that only in spring and then they were let lose again. Not that it matters much but I am sure that it will repeat again for anyone reading this.
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